Homemade MiSOgood Pasta

Homemade MiSOgood Pasta
1 1/2 Cups All-Purpose Flour, Plus Additional as Needed
1/3 Cup Water
1 Tablespoon Soy-Free MiSo Good

Place the flour to your pasta maker with the pappardelle extrusion disc installed. Whisk together the water and miso until incorporated, and slowly drizzle the mixture in and process according to the manufacturer's instructions. Do NOT cut the noodles at any point; they're prone to breaking during the cooking process, so you'll end up with shorter strands by the time they're ready to eat.

Gently toss the freshly extruded noodles with additional flour to prevent them from sticking or clumping together. Let stand in a cool, dry place for at least 1 hour for best results.

When you're ready to eat, bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the noodles and cook for only 30 - 60 seconds, until the noodles begin to float. Quickly drain and immediately rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process. 

Add any sauce or toppings you desire and serve hot.

Makes 2 - 3 Servings

Notes: You can use any shaped extrusion disc you like, from elbow macaroni to classic spaghetti.