MiSOgood Vegan Gazpacho Soup

MiSOgood Vegan Gazpacho Soup
2 Cups Mushroom or Vegetable Stock, Chilled
2 Tablespoons MiSOgood Sweet & Savory White Miso
1 Teaspoon Instant Wakame Flakes
3 Ounces (1/4 Package) Firm Silken Tofu, Finely Diced
2 Pods Fresh Okra, Sliced
1 Persian Seedless Cucumber, Thinly Sliced
1/2 Cup Cherry Tomatoes, Halved or Quartered if Large
1 Scallion, Thinly Sliced

Pour the stock into a large bowl and whisk in the miso. Sprinkle in the wakame and let stand until the seaweed has rehydrated; about 5 minutes.

Add the tofu, okra, cucumber, tomatoes, and scallion. Stir gently to combine.

Serve right away or store in the fridge for up to a day. Serve thoroughly chilled.

Makes 2 Servings

On especially hot summer days, add a single ice cube to each bowl to keep the broth refreshingly cool.