Our favorite MISOgood Recipes

Talk about GREAT for gut-health. This spicy MiSOgood Kimchi recipe is chock full of fabulous pro-biotics (as most kimchi is) and the longer it ages (translation: ferments) the stronger it becomes in both flavor AND pro-biotic content. Tasty and good for you. Add to salads, sandwiches or eat on on it's own. 
This Sesame MiSOgood Toasted Pecan recipe is simple to toss together. Ready in under 5 minutes, the hardest part of this quick recipe may be patiently waiting while the nuts are roasting, especially as the warm, nutty aroma fills your home.  We promise you it’s worth the wait. Whether you’re serving these toasted pecans as a seasonal snack or using them as a topping on your favorite pie, we’re sure you and your guests will go nuts for this simple nut recipe.